My passion for health and fitness began when I had my first Ulcerative Colitis flare up after 20 years of remission. UC is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the digestive tract and colon. This is when I was hit with the reality that I had to change my diet and begin exercising if I didn't want this disease to control the quality of my life at the young age of 24.
2 years later, the satisfaction of control and intrigue in the capabilities to transform the human body is what lead me to my first bodybuilding stage.
I dedicated 4 years to the extreme of bodybuilding competitions and reached my pinnacle placing as 1 of the top 15 bikini pro competitors in the world at the 2016 Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas.
In those 4 years I learned all that was capable of the human body with diet and exercise and I also learned the negative affects of pushing too far and how resilient but delicate a person's system can be.
In 2018 I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and found the balance in fitness that is most sustainable and respectful to the body. It was a humbling experience that forced me to adapt to better training methods for me.
I have been on both ends of the fitness spectrum, from the most lax to the most extreme. I believe these experiences are what make me capable of helping people guide them through their many phases that happen when making the decision to take control of their fitness and health.
My life experiences have taught me empathy and understanding that will allow me to bring great value in achieving your fitness goals.

"Tifanny's style of training is quick and effective. I love the format in which she does the virtual training. She's attentive so you don't fall through the crack. If you're looking to lean out, while getting stronger, definitely give Tifanny's plans a shot!"
"I love the workouts. They are challenging and different from what I was doing before as a bikini competitor. Communication is spot on and everything in my plan is clear."
"Tifanny is available to you for all questions, comments and concerns! She cares about her clients and is straightforward as well as kind and compassionate, which I need in a trainer!"